20 port authorities join forces for cleaner shipping
Supply chain, co2, Port authorities

20 port authorities join forces for cleaner shipping and smart ports

On 22 and 23 June, the Port Authority Round Table took place, during which the world’s 20 largest ports talked to each other online about decarbonisation of shipping, digitalisation and disruptions in the logistics chain. During these PAR meetings, the participating ports expressed their intention to share data more intensively.

A concrete example is the use of neutral platforms such as the Routescanner, which was developed by the Port of Rotterdam Authority.

Instead of all inventing the wheel individually for planning container transport worldwide, we are now joining forces to use a kind of joint Google Maps for container transport. Because shipping companies and operators only have to share their data once on this platform, a lot of time and money can be saved

Allard Castelein
Port of Rotterdam Authority CEO

Neutrality guaranteed

We are proud that participating ports have encouraged the establishment of Routescanner as a neutral platform for planning container transport worldwide. Ports are asked to support Routescanner by reaching out to local sea and overland operators to sheir their schedule data in the platform. The support of global ports is crucial for Routescanner's expansion as we are set to move to a global scale as an independent platform that is operated neutrally. 

Read the full article on the website of Port of Rotterdam and the full press release on the website of Port of Antwerp

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